GFR alpha1, IN (GDNFRa, Glial Cell-derived Neurotrophic Factor Receptor a1, RETL1, Ret ligand 1, TGFb-related Neurotrophic Factor Receptor 1, TrnR1, Glycosylphosphadidylinositol linked Protein)

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  • Description
    For cells, cell lines and tissues in culture till half confluency. Aplha, transcription related growth factors and stimulating factors or repressing nuclear factors are complex subunits of proteins involved in cell differentiation. Complex subunit associated factors are involved in hybridoma growth, Eosinohils, eritroid proliferation and derived from promotor binding stimulating subunits on the DNA binding complex. NFKB 105 subunit for example is a polypetide gene enhancer of genes in B cells. FAS ligand and other ligands are binding to the receptor for signaling pathways for example in apoptosis or JNK signaling. Receptor agonists are often tested for drug development. The receptors are ligand binding factors of type 1, 2 or 3 and protein-molecules that receive chemical-signals from outside a cell. When such chemical-signals couple or bind to a receptor, they cause some form of cellular/tissue-response, e.g. a change in the electrical-activity of a cell. In this sense, am olfactory receptor is a protein-molecule that recognizes and responds to endogenous-chemical signals, chemokinesor cytokines e.g. an acetylcholine-receptor recognizes and responds to its endogenous-ligand, acetylcholine. However, sometimes in pharmacology, the term is also used to include other proteins that are drug-targets, such as enzymes, transporters and ion-channels.
  • Gene target
  • Gene symbol
  • Short name
    GFR alpha1, IN (GDNFRa, Glial -derived Neurotrophic Factor Receptor a1, RETL1, Ret ligand 1, TGFb- Neurotrophic Factor Receptor 1, TrnR1, Glycosylphosphadidylinositol linked Protein)
  • Alternative name
    GFR alpha1, IN (GDNFRa, Glial cellular-derived Neurotrophic Factor Receptor a1, RETL1, ret proto-oncogene ligand 1, TGFb-related Neurotrophic Factor Receptor 1, TrnR1, Glycosylphosphadidylinositol linked Protein)
  • Alternative to gene target
    ret proto-oncogene, CDHF12 and CDHR16 and HSCR1 and MEN2A and MEN2B and MTC1 and PTC and RET-ELE1 and RET51, RET and IDBG-71064 and ENSG00000165731 and 5979, transferase activity, Plasma membranes, Ret and IDBG-181393 and ENSMUSG00000030110 and 19713, RET and IDBG-628722 and ENSBTAG00000000570 and 515924
  • Tissue
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