Synthetic Galactose BSA Glycoconjugate

  • Catalog number
  • Price:

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  • Size
    4x50 µg
# #
  • Stock availability
    In Stock
  • Scientific context
    Glycated Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) with β-Galactose
  • Protein target
    Galactose BSA Glycoconjugate
  • Protein reactivity
    QC Pending
  • Certificate of analysis
    Detectable in ELISA at ≥ 5 ng.
  • Protein description
    Glycated Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) with β-Galactose
  • Other name
    Galactose BSA Glycoconjugate, Galactose-BSA Glycoconjugate, Galactose (BSA) Glycoconjugate, Galactose Bovine Serum Albumin Glycoconjugate, Bovine Serum Albumin glycated with Galactose, beta-Galactose BSA Glycoconjugate, beta-Galactose-BSA Glycoconjugate, beta-Galactose (BSA) Glycoconjugate, beta-Galactose Bovine Serum Albumin Glycoconjugate, Bovine Serum Albumin glycated with beta-Galactose, Galactose-modified BSA
  • Primary research area
    Cell Signaling, Post Translational Modifications, Glycation
  • Category
  • Brand name
  • Origin
  • NCBI number
    Refer to NCBI
  • Gene number
    Refer to GenBank
  • Protein number
    Refer to SwissProt
  • Verified applications
  • Relevant bio activity
    Galactose BSA Glycoconjugate
  • Protein expression model
  • Protein charasterics
    See included datasheet.
  • Peptide sequence
    See included datasheet.
  • Protein purification
    Filter Sterilized (0.2 µm)
  • Purity pourcentage
    >98% High purity
  • Recommended buffer for storage
    PBS pH 7.4, 0.09% Sodium Azide
  • Protein concentration
    Lot/batch specific. See included datasheet.
  • Protein specificity
    QC Pending
  • Protein tag
    No tag
  • Storage recommendations
  • Shipping recommendations
    Blue Ice or 4°C
  • Supplementary useful information
    Please see included datasheet or contact us
  • Release date
  • PubMed number
    Not added. Please refer to PubMed
  • Tested applications
    to be tested
  • Tested species reactivity
    to be tested
  • Representative figure legend
    Western blot analysis showing detection of 67 kDa Galactose BSA GlycoConjugate (SPR-203) using Anti-Monosaccharide (pan-specific) Antibody. Lane 1: Molecular Weight Ladder (MW). Lane 2: Galactose-BSA (SPR-203) (1.0 µg). Lane 3: Galactose-BSA (SPR-203) (0.5 µg). Block: 5% Skim Milk in 1X TBST. Primary Antibody: Anti-Monosaccharide (pan-specific) Antibody at 1:1000 for 2 hours at RT. Secondary Antibody: Goat Anti-Mouse IgG: HRP at 1:2000 for 60 min at RT. Color Development: Luminol for 1 min at RT. Predicted/Observed Size: 67 kDa. Western Blot of Galactose BSA Glycoconjugate Protein (SPR-203)
  • Warnings
    Non-hazardous materials
  • Protein origin
  • Total weight kg
  • Net weight g
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