Blood Urea Nitrogen Detection Kit

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  • Size
    2 x 96 well
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  • Stock availability
    In Stock
  • Kit s description
    Quantitative colorimetric measurement of urea nitrogen
  • Protein target
    Blood Urea Nitrogen
  • Scientific context
    Urea is a by-product of protein metabolism by the liver, and is therefore removed from the blood by the kidneys. Urea freely filters through the glomerulous, but is reabsorbed by the renal tubules in a flow-dependent fashion. The higher the flow rate, the greater amount of urea nitrogen is cleared from circulation and eliminated through the kidneys. As a result, the level of circulating urea nitrogen, along with serum creatinine, serves as a primary measure of kidney function. Normal adult Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) levels should be between 7 and 21 mg urea nitrogen per 100 mL blood (mg/dL) (1). Azotemia, poor kidney function, will cause elevated BUN levels (≥ 50 mg/dL) and is associated with acute kidney failure or injury, severe acute pancreatitis, congestive heart failure or gastrointestinal bleeding (2-5). Azotemia also can occur with dehydration, as a result of alcohol abuse, or high protein diets. Lower than expected BUN levels are usually not clinically predictive, but are primarily associated with liver disease or malnutrition, including malabsorption and low protein diets (6). Urine and saliva are considered to be acceptable non-invasive samples for measurement of urea nitrogen (7). Serum creatinine is another metabolic waste product freely filtered by the glumerulous, but does not undergo tubular reabsorption. Its steady rate of elimination is frequently used to generate an index or ratio with BUN values for normalized evaluations. Creatinine Urinary Detection Kit (SKT-200) and Creatinine Serum Detection Kit (SKT-217) are also available from StressMarq Biosciences.
  • Primary research area
    Cell Signaling, Cardiovascular System
  • Category
    Assay Detection Kits
  • Other name
    Blood urea nitrogen Detection Kit
  • Brand name
  • Detection system
    Colorimetric Assay
  • Assay format
    Direct Quantitative Assay
  • Main intended usage
    Colorimetric assay used to quantitatively measure urea nitrogen in a variety of samples.
  • Brief protocol
    The Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Detection Kit is designed to quantitatively measure urea nitrogen in a variety of samples. A urea nitrogen standard calibrated to NIST reference materials is provided to generate a standard curve for the assay and all samples should be read off the standard curve. Samples are mixed with Color Reagents A and B and incubated at room temperature for 30 minutes. The colored product is read at 450 nm. The concentration of urea nitrogen in the sample is calculated, after making a suitable correction for any dilution, using software available with most plate readers. The results are expressed in terms of mg/dL urea nitrogen. If samples are to be expressed in terms of mg/dL urea, the data can be converted using the multiplier 2.14.
  • Kit contents
    Clear 96 Well Plates, Urea Nitrogen Standard, Color Reagent A, Color Reagent B
  • Assay precision
    Inter Assay Precision: Three human samples were further diluted in water and run in duplicates in twenty-eight assays run over multiple days by five operators. The mean and precision of the calculated concentrations were: Sample 1- 1.29 mg/dL, 3.1% CV Sample 2- 2.35 mg/dL, 4.3% CV Sample 3- 5.18 mg/dL, 3.3% CV
  • Assay cross reactivity
    Species Independent
  • Samples to be used with this kit
    Serum, Plasma, Urine, Saliva, Tissue Culture Media
  • Maximum samples to be used with this kit
    88 samples in duplicate
  • Assay duration
    30 Minutes
  • Kit s sensitivity
    0,030 mg/dl
  • Assay detection limit
    0,156 - 10 mg/dl
  • Storage recommendations
  • Shipping recommendations
    Blue Ice
  • Bibliography
    1. Laboratory reference values. Urea nitrogen (BUN). Rochester, Minn.: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; Nov. 2010. 2. Waiker, SS and JV Bonventre. (2008) Nephron Clin. Pract. 109:c192-c197. 3. Al Mofleh, IA. World J. Gastroent. (2008) Congestive heart failure. 14(5):675-684. 4. Iglesiase, J. et al. (2006) Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 21:3458-3465. 5. Mayo Clinic. “Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) tests.” more 6. Lum, G and S Leal-Khouri. (1989) Clin. Chem. 35(4):639-640. 7. Akai, T, et al. (1983) Clin. Chem. 1983. 29(10):1825-1827.
  • Release date
  • PubMed number
    Refer to PubMed
  • Tested applications
    No data available / currently testing
  • Tested reactivity
    No data available / currently testing
  • Resources available upon request
    Kit Booklet, MSDS
  • Product image link
  • Product image legend
    Typical Standard Curve for Blood Urea Nitrogen Detection Kit StressXpress® - SKT-213. Assay Type: Coupled Enzyme Assay. Detection Method: Colorimetric Assay. Assay Range: 0.156 - 10 mg/dL. | Linearity was determined by taking two human serum samples with known BUN concentrations and mixing them in the given ratios. The measured concentrations were compared to the expected values based on the ratios used. Graph of the Typical Standard Curve for the Blood Urea Nitrogen Detection Kit StressXpress - SKT-213 | Graph of the Linearity Recovery for the Blood Urea Nitrogen Detection Kit StressXpress - SKT-213
  • Warnings
  • Country of production
  • Total weight kg
  • Net weight g
  • Description
    Blood is slightly basic and contains proteins, hemoglobin, albumins in its serum. StressMark kits supplies this blood related product in 1. The detections of the targets with this kit is a type of test that can be performed on any target containing biological samples after clean up of interfering agents. The assay must be performed following the protocol.
  • Gene target
    Urea   Nitrogen   Kit  
  • Short name
    Blood Urea Nitrogen Kit
  • Technique
    detection, blood, blood samples
  • Alternative name
    Blood Urea Nitrogen quantification reagent
  • Alternative technique
    sera, kits
  • Alternative to gene target
    v-kit Hardy-Zuckerman 4 feline sarcoma viral oncogene homolog, C-Kit and CD117 and PBT and SCFR, KIT and IDBG-18980 and ENSG00000157404 and 3815, transferase activity, Extracellular, Kit and IDBG-172083 and ENSMUSG00000005672 and 16590, KIT and IDBG-642326 and ENSBTAG00000002699 and 280832
  • Tissue
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