Rabbit Anti-Rat ENaC beta Polyclonal: Unconjugated

  • Catalog number
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  • Size
    100 µg
# #
  • Immunogen
    Produced against the C-terminal tail (amino acids 617-638) of rat beta ENaC (antibody designation 3755-2)
  • Antibody s target
    Rat ENaC
  • Antibody s full description
    Rabbit Anti-Rat ENaC beta Polyclonal
  • Primary research fields
    Neuroscience, Ion Channels, Sodium Channels, Epithelial Sodium Channels (ENaC)
  • Antibody s category
    Polyclonal Antibodies
  • Antibody s other name
    SCNN1B Antibody, Amiloride sensitive sodium channel subunit beta Antibody, Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel beta-subunit Antibody, Beta ENaC Antibody, Beta NaCH Antibody, ENaC beta Antibody, ENaCB Antibody, Epithelial Na(+) channel subunit beta Antibody, Epithelial Na+ channel beta subunit Antibody, Epithelial Na+ channel subunit beta Antibody, Epithelial sodium channel beta 2 subunit Antibody, Epithelial sodium channel beta 3 subunit Antibody, Nonvoltage gated sodium channel 1 beta subunit Antibody, Nonvoltage gated sodium channel 1 subunit beta Antibody, Nonvoltage-gated sodium channel 1 beta subunit Antibody, SCNEB Antibody, SCNN 1B Antibody, Sodium channel nonvoltage gated 1 beta (Liddle syndrome) Antibody, Sodium channel nonvoltage gated 1 beta Antibody
  • Verified applications
  • Raised in
  • Antibody s reactivity
    Human, Mouse, Rat, African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis), Hamster
  • Antibody s recommended dilutions for use
    WB (1:1000), IHC (1:100); optimal dilutions for assays should be determined by the user.
  • Antibody s purified from
    Protein A Purified
  • Recommended buffer for storage
    PBS, 50% glycerol, 0.09% sodium azide
  • Antibody s concentration
    1 mg/ml
  • Antibody s specificity
    Detects ~87kDa.
  • Storage recommendations
  • Shipping recommendations
    Blue Ice or 4°C
  • Certificate of analysis
    1 µg/ml of SPC-404 was sufficient for detection of beta-ENaC in 20 µg of rat kidney tissue lysate by colorimetric immunoblot analysis using Goat anti-rabbit IgG:HRP as the secondary antibody.
  • Antibody in cell
    Apical Cell Membrane
  • Tissue specificity
    See included datasheet or contact our support service.
  • Scientific context
    The Epithelial Sodium Channel (ENaC) is a membrane ion channel permeable to Na+ ions. It is located in the apical plasma membrane of epithelia in the kidneys, lung, colon, and other tissues where it plays a role in trans epithelial Na+-ion transport (1). Specifically Na+ transport via ENaC occurs across many epithelial surfaces, and plays a key role in regulating salt and water absorption (2). ENaCs are composed of three structurally related subunits that form a tetrameric channel, α, β, and γ. The expression of its alpha and beta subunits is enhanced as keratinocytes differentiate (3, 4). The beta and gamma-ENaC subunits are essential for edema fluid to exert its maximal effect on net fluid absorption by distal lung epithelia(5). And it has been concluded that the subunits are differentially expressed in the retina of mice with ocular hypertension, therefore the up-regulation of alpha-ENaC proteins could serve as a protection mechanism against elevated intraocular pressure (6).
  • Bibliography
    1. Kakizoe Y., et al. (2009) J Hpyertens. 27(8): 1679-1689. 2. Gu Y. (2008) J Cell Physiol. 216(2):453-457. 3. Bruns J.B. (2003) Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 285(4): F600-F609. 4. Mauro T., et al. (2002) J Invest Dermatol. 118(4): 589-594. 5. Elias N., et al. (2007) Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 293(3): L537-45. 6. Dyka F.M., May C.A. and Enz R. (2005) J Neurochem. 94(1): 120-128.
  • Released date
  • NCBI number
  • Gene number
  • Protein number
  • PubMed number
  • Tested applications
    Western Blot|Western Blot|Western Blot|Western Blot|Western Blot|Western Blot|Western Blot|Western Blot|Western Blot|Immunohistochemistry|Western Blot|Western Blot|Immunohistochemistry|Western Blot|Western Blot|Western Blot|Immunohistochemistry|Immunohistochemistry|Western Blot|Western Blot|Western Blot|Western Blot|Western Blot|Western Blot|Western Blot
  • Tested reactivity
    Mouse|Rat|Rat|Mouse|Mouse|Mouse|Mouse|Mouse|Human|Rat|Mouse|Mouse|Mouse|Mouse|Mouse|Mouse|Rat|Mouse|Mouse|Xenopus laevis|Mouse|Mouse|Rat|Hamster|Mouse
  • Antibody s datasheet
    Contact our support service to receive datasheet or other technical documentation.
  • Representative figure link
  • Representative figure legend
    Immunohistochemistry analysis using Rabbit Anti-ENaC Polyclonal Antibody (SPC-404). Tissue: kidney tissue. Species: Rat. Primary Antibody: Rabbit Anti-ENaC Polyclonal Antibody (SPC-404) at 1:100. Secondary Antibody: FITC Goat Anti-Rabbit (green). | Western blot analysis of Rat kidney tissue lysates showing detection of ENaC protein using Rabbit Anti-ENaC Polyclonal Antibody (SPC-404). Primary Antibody: Rabbit Anti-ENaC Polyclonal Antibody (SPC-404) at 1:1000. | Western blot analysis of Mouse mpkCCD cell lysates showing detection of ENaC protein using Rabbit Anti-ENaC Polyclonal Antibody (SPC-404). Primary Antibody: Rabbit Anti-ENaC Polyclonal Antibody (SPC-404) at 1:1000. | Western blot analysis of Mouse kidney cortex showing detection of ENaC protein using Rabbit Anti-ENaC Polyclonal Antibody (SPC-404). Primary Antibody: Rabbit Anti-ENaC Polyclonal Antibody (SPC-404) at 1:1000. Low-salt diet (lanes 1-4) compared to a high-salt diet (lanes 5-8). Rabbit Anti-ENaC Antibody used in Immunohistochemistry (IHC) on Rat kidney tissue (SPC-404) | Rabbit Anti-ENaC Antibody used in Western blot (WB) on Rat kidney tissue lysates (SPC-404) | Rabbit Anti-ENaC Antibody used in Western blot (WB) on Mouse mpkCCD cell lysates (SPC-404) | Rabbit Anti-ENaC Antibody used in Western blot (WB) on Mouse kidney cortex (SPC-404)
  • Warning information
  • Country of production
  • Total weight kg
  • Net weight g
  • Stock availabilit
    In Stock
  • Description
    This antibody needs to be stored at + 4°C in a fridge short term in a concentrated dilution. Freeze thaw will destroy a percentage in every cycle and should be avoided. Antibody for research use.
  • Group
    Polyclonals and antibodies
  • About
    Polyclonals can be used for Western blot, immunohistochemistry on frozen slices or parrafin fixed tissues. The advantage is that there are more epitopes available in a polyclonal antiserum to detect the proteins than in monoclonal sera. Rabbits are used for polyclonal antibody production by StressMark antibodies. Rabbit antibodies are very stable and can be stored for several days at room temperature. StressMark antibodies adds sodium azide and glycerol to enhance the stability of the rabbit polyclonal antibodies. Anti-human, anti mouse antibodies to highly immunogenic selected peptide sequences are" monoclonal like" since the epitope to which they are directed is less than 35 amino acids long. Rats are used to make rat monoclonal anti mouse antibodies. There are less rat- than mouse clones however. Rats genes from rodents of the genus Rattus norvegicus are often studied in vivo as a model of human genes in Sprague-Dawley or Wistar rats.
  • Latin name
    Oryctolagus cuniculus, Rattus norvegicus
  • Conjugation
    not conjugated 
  • Gene target
  • Short name
    Rabbit Anti- ENaC beta Polyclonal: Unconjugated
  • Technique
    Polyclonal, Rabbit, anti-, anti, antibody to, antibodies, Polyclonal antibodies (pAbs) are mostly rabbit or goat antibodies that are secreted by different B cells, whereas monoclonal antibodies come from a single N cell lineage. Pabs are a collection of immunoglobulin molecules that react against a specific antigen, each identifying a different epitope.
  • Host
    Rabbit, Rabbits
  • Isotype
  • Label
  • Species
    Rat, Rats
  • Alternative name
    production species: rabbit Antibody toRat ENaC b polyclonal: nonconjugated
  • Alternative technique
    polyclonals, rabbit-anti, antibodies
MeSH Data
  • Name
  • Concept
    Scope note: Identification of proteins or peptides that have been electrophoretically separated by blot transferring from the electrophoresis gel to strips of nitrocellulose paper, followed by labeling with antibody probes.
  • Tree numbers
    • E05.196.401.143
    • E05.301.300.096
    • E05.478.566.320.200
    • E05.601.262
    • E05.601.470.320.200
  • Qualifiers
    ethics, trends, veterinary, history, classification, economics, instrumentation, methods, standards, statistics & numerical data
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