DiaEasy™ Dialyzer (800 µl) Supporting trays

  • Catalog number
  • Price:

    132.38 USD

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  • Size
    10 trays
  • Description
    Convenient, sturdy supporting trays to support dialysis tubes in a horizontal electrophoresis unit during electro-elution. DiaEasy™ dialyzer (800 µl) supporting trays are designed to support our DiaEasy™ Dialyzer tubes of 800 µl volume during the process of electro-elution of any protein, protein-protein, or protein- DNA complexes from non-denaturing and denaturing (SDS) polyacrylamide gels, and for extraction of oligonucleotides, RNA, and DNA from both polyacrylamide and agarose gels (Figure 1). These trays fit into most horizontal electrophoresis units and are very convenient to use (Figure 2). Each of these trays can hold upto 4 tubes.
  • Product Highlights
    Convenient, sturdy supporting trays to support dialysis tubes in a horizontal electrophoresis unit during electro-elution
  • Storage Temp
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  • Shelf Life
    No expiration date
  • Notes
    For research use only. Not to be used for human or animal treatment or consumption.
  • Gene target
  • Short name
    DiaEasy™ Dialyzer (800 µl) Supporting trays
  • Alternative name
    DiaEasy™ Dialyzer (800 µl) Supporting trays
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