Rat B220/CD45R Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [RA3-3A1]-Biotin

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  • Size
    0,025 mg
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  • Description
    Rat B220/CD45R Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [RA3-3A1]-Biotin is a mouse monoclonal antibody, specific for [RA3-3A1] clones, this product was conjugated with Biotin format and reported for use in flow cytometric analysis to interact with B220 antigens in B cells and subsets of T and Nk cells, CD45R plays a role of phosphatase and activation of B and T cells, Also plays a role in TCR and BCR signaling.
  • Clone
  • Conjugate
  • Gene Name
  • Other Names of gene
  • Concentration
    500 µg/mL
  • Application
    Flow Cytometry Method
  • Immunogen
    Mouse cell line RAW 112
  • Formulation
    Aqueous buffered solution containing protein stabilizer, and ≤0.09% sodium azide (NaN3).
  • Storage
    2-8°C, store in dark, do not freeze
  • Expiration
    After 1 year
  • Remark
    For Recherche Use Only.
  • Properties
    If you buy Antibodies supplied by Immunostep they should be stored frozen at - 24°C for long term storage and for short term at + 5°C. Biotin conjugates can be detected by horseradish peroxidase, alkaline phosphatase substrates or anti biotin conjugated antibodies. Avidin and Streptavidin bind to the small biotin and are couple to HRP or AP for ELISA. To break the streptavidin Biotin bond we suggest to use a 6 molar guanidine HCl solution with acidity of pH 1.6.
  • Conjugation
  • About
    Monoclonals of this antigen are available in different clones. Each murine monoclonal anibody has his own affinity specific for the clone. Mouse monoclonal antibodies are purified protein A or G and can be conjugated to FITC for flow cytometry or FACS and can be of different isotypes. Rats are used to make rat monoclonal anti mouse antibodies. There are less rat- than mouse clones however. Rats genes from rodents of the genus Rattus norvegicus are often studied in vivo as a model of human genes in Sprague-Dawley or Wistar rats.
  • Test
    Mouse or mice from the Mus musculus species are used for production of mouse monoclonal antibodies or mabs and as research model for humans in your lab. Mouse are mature after 40 days for females and 55 days for males. The female mice are pregnant only 20 days and can give birth to 10 litters of 6-8 mice a year. Transgenic, knock-out, congenic and inbread strains are known for C57BL/6, A/J, BALB/c, SCID while the CD-1 is outbred as strain.
  • Latin name
    Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus
  • French translation
  • Gene target
  • Short name
    B220/CD45R Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [RA3-3A1]-
  • Technique
    Mouse monoclonal, Antibody, Mouse, antibodies against human proteins, antibodies for, Monoclonals or monoclonal antibodies, mouses, mouse monoclonals
  • Host
    Rat, Murine monoclonal antibodies or Mabs are often conjugated and the isotype is IgG.
  • Isotype
    Rat IgMκ
  • Label
  • Species
    Mouse, Mouses, Rats
  • Alternative name
    Rat Anti Mouse B220/CD45R Antibody-Biotin
  • Alternative technique
    antibodies, murine
MeSH Data
  • Name
  • Concept
    Scope note: The number of CD4-POSITIVE T-LYMPHOCYTES per unit volume of BLOOD. Determination requires the use of a fluorescence-activated flow cytometer.
  • Tree numbers
    • E01.370.225.500.195.107.595.500.150
    • E01.370.225.625.107.595.500.150
    • E05.200.500.195.107.595.500.150
    • E05.200.625.107.595.500.150
    • E05.
  • Qualifiers
    ethics, trends, veterinary, history, classification, economics, instrumentation, methods, standards, statistics & numerical data
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