Anti Human, Mouse, Rat HIST1H3A Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody 100 ug

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  • Price:

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  • Size
    100 ug
# #
  • Recognized antigen
  • Product type
  • Gene name
  • Long name
    Antibody against HIST1H3A
  • Storage
    For shorter time periods the HIST1H3A Antibodies may be kept refrigerated at +4 degrees Celsius. For extended periods of time keep frozen at -20 °C. Avoid freezing and thawing the lysate repeatedly as these cycles will cause denaturation and/or disruption of the protein chains and peptide bonds of the HIST1H3A Antibodies which might cause change or loss of the desired properties.
  • Tips
    Small amounts of the HIST1H3A antibody may get entrapped on the walls or lid of the vial as a result of shaking during transportation or handling. Prior to use, cetrifuge the vial to ensure that all of its content is collected on the bottom. In order to avoid cycles of freezing and thawing we recommend to plan and prepare aliquots according to the experiment demand and defrost only the amount which wil be needed for immediate use.
  • Description
    This antibody needs to be stored at + 4°C in a fridge short term in a concentrated dilution. Freeze thaw will destroy a percentage in every cycle and should be avoided. Antibody against the Hu protein or peptide or recombinant supplied in 1 volumes. Ask for quote if you need bulk.
  • Properties
    If you buy Antibodies supplied by aviva they should be stored frozen at - 24°C for long term storage and for short term at + 5°C. Human proteins, cDNA and human recombinants are used in human reactive ELISA kits and to produce anti-human mono and polyclonal antibodies. Modern humans (Homo sapiens, primarily ssp. Homo sapiens sapiens). Depending on the epitopes used human ELISA kits can be cross reactive to many other species. Mainly analyzed are human serum, plasma, urine, saliva, human cell culture supernatants and biological samples.
  • Test
    Mouse or mice from the Mus musculus species are used for production of mouse monoclonal antibodies or mabs and as research model for humans in your lab. Mouse are mature after 40 days for females and 55 days for males. The female mice are pregnant only 20 days and can give birth to 10 litters of 6-8 mice a year. Transgenic, knock-out, congenic and inbread strains are known for C57BL/6, A/J, BALB/c, SCID while the CD-1 is outbred as strain.
  • Latin name
    Mus musculus, Oryctolagus cuniculus, Rattus norvegicus
  • Group
    Polyclonals and antibodies
  • About
    Polyclonals can be used for Western blot, immunohistochemistry on frozen slices or parrafin fixed tissues. The advantage is that there are more epitopes available in a polyclonal antiserum to detect the proteins than in monoclonal sera. Rabbits are used for polyclonal antibody production by aviva. Rabbit antibodies are very stable and can be stored for several days at room temperature. aviva adds sodium azide and glycerol to enhance the stability of the rabbit polyclonal antibodies. Anti-human, anti mouse antibodies to highly immunogenic selected peptide sequences are" monoclonal like" since the epitope to which they are directed is less than 35 amino acids long. Rats are used to make rat monoclonal anti mouse antibodies. There are less rat- than mouse clones however. Rats genes from rodents of the genus Rattus norvegicus are often studied in vivo as a model of human genes in Sprague-Dawley or Wistar rats.
  • French translation
  • Gene target
    HIST1H3A   100  
  • Gene symbol
  • Short name
  • Technique
    anti human, Polyclonal, Antibody, Rabbit, Mouse, anti, antibody to, anti human antibodies, antibodies against human proteins, antibodies for, mouses, Polyclonal antibodies (pAbs) are mostly rabbit or goat antibodies that are secreted by different B cells, whereas monoclonal antibodies come from a single N cell lineage. Pabs are a collection of immunoglobulin molecules that react against a specific antigen, each identifying a different epitope.
  • Host
    mouse, Rabbits
  • Species
    Rat, Humans, Mouses, Rats
  • Alternative name
    HIST1H3A Antibodies
  • Alternative technique
    polyclonals, antibodies, rabbit-anti, murine
Gene info
  • Identity
  • Gene
  • Long gene name
    H3 clustered histone 1
  • Synonyms gene
  • Synonyms gene name
    • H3 histone family, member A
    • histone 1, H3a
    • histone cluster 1, H3a
    • histone cluster 1 H3 family member a
  • Synonyms
  • GenBank acession
  • Locus
  • Discovery year
  • Entrez gene record
  • Pubmed identfication
  • RefSeq identity
  • Classification
    • H3 histones
MeSH Data
  • Name
  • Concept
    Scope note: Identification of proteins or peptides that have been electrophoretically separated by blot transferring from the electrophoresis gel to strips of nitrocellulose paper, followed by labeling with antibody probes.
  • Tree numbers
    • E05.196.401.143
    • E05.301.300.096
    • E05.478.566.320.200
    • E05.601.262
    • E05.601.470.320.200
  • Qualifiers
    ethics, trends, veterinary, history, classification, economics, instrumentation, methods, standards, statistics & numerical data
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