GlialExoPure™ Immunoplates (Exosome Isolation, plasma, colorimetric assay)

  • Catalog number
  • Price:

    745.31 USD

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  • Size
    100 assays
  • Description
    GlialExoPure™ Immunoplates (Exosome Isolation, plasma, colorimetric assay). Immunoplates for Exosome capture and quantification from human biofluids (plasma, serum, urine, saliva) and from human or mouse cell media. Transparent, white and black plates are available depending on the downstream detection approach (colorimetric, luminometric and fluorimetric respectively).
  • Product Highlights
    Immunoplates for glial-derived Exosome Isolation, plasma, colorimetric assay)
  • Storage Temp
    4°C, Do not freeze
  • Shipping
    gel pack
  • Shelf Life
    24 months
  • Notes
    For research use only. Not to be used for human or animal treatment or consumption.
  • Test
    Biovision supplies other types of Assays as 1.
  • Properties
    Colorimetric assays or detection use UV absorption or enzymatic color reaction.
  • Gene
    Exosomes are 50 nm small lipoprotein vesicles containing lots of microRNAs. The diagnostic value of exosomic miRNAs is due to their role in signal transduction and cell differentiation. Exoslomal total RNA can be analyzed by next gen sequencing to perform a diagnostic micro RNA profile.
  • Gene target
  • Short name
    GlialExoPure™ Immunoplates (Exosome Isolation, plasma, colorimetric assay)
  • Technique
    colorimetric, exosome, Assay, assays, colorimetry, exosomic, exosomes
  • Host
  • Alternative name
    GlialExoPure™ Immunoplates (exosomal purification, plasma, colorimetry test)
  • Alternative technique
    assays, exosomes, arrays
  • Tissue
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