Rabbit Monoclonal IgG Anti-AMACR (P504S) clone 13H4 [13H4]

  • Catalog number
  • Price:

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  • Size
    1 ml
# #
  • Availability
    Please contact us to check the availability
  • Immunogen
    Human recombinant AMACR (P504S) protein, whole sequence
  • Specificity
    Human AMACR (P504S) protein, Alpha-Methylacyl CoA Racemase
  • Species reactivity
  • Product presentation
    Ion exchange chromatography purified antibody in PBS, BSA, sodium azide (0.09%)*. Use antibody dilution buffer (e.g. Art. No. PU002) containing sufficient protein and preservative.
  • Product category
    Primary Antibody
  • Antibody s raised in
  • Antibody s isotype
  • Antibody s clone
  • Product is supplied as
    liquid concentrate
  • Recommended concentration for use
    1:80 – 1:200
  • Protein concentration
    40 µg/ml
  • Positive control
    Prostate carcinoma
  • Pretreatment
    In formaldehyde fixed tissue unmasking of antigen by heat pre-treatment is required. We recommend the application of our unmasking fluid G on glycol basis (Art. No. DE007) or EDTA solution pH 9 (Art.-No. DE006) approx. 30 min in pressure cooker or micro wave oven. Citrate buffer is also suitable, but gives less intensity in staining and changes the cell morphology more than the above mentioned unmasking methods.
  • Tested applications
    IHC(C, P)
  • Recommended secondary reagent
    Any secondary system containing anti-rabbit IgG may be used. Best results have been generated with DAKO Envision Plus, VECTOR ImmPress Rabbit IgG (MP-7401) and VECTASTAIN ABC Systems (Art. No. PK-6101 or AK-5001) in combination with a suitable substrate.
  • Storage method
    Store at 2-8°C
  • UniProt number
  • Litterature
    1. Schmitz W., Albers C., Fingerhut R., and Conzelmann E. (1995) Purification and characterization of an alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase from human liver. Eur J. Biochem. 231(3); 815-822. 2. Babcook J.S., Leslie K.B., Olsen O.A., et al. (1996) A novel strategy for generating monoclonal antibodies from single isolated lymphocytes producing antibodies of defined specificities. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93; 7843-7848. 3. Xu J., Stolk J.A., Zhang X., et al. (2000) Identificatin of differentially expressed genes in human prostate cancer using subtraction and microarray. Cancer Res. 60; 1677-1682. 4. Ferdinandusse S., Denis S., IJ1st, et al. (2000) Subcellular localization and physiological role of alpha-methylacyl-coA racemase. J. Lipid Res. 41; 1890-1896. 5. Jiang Z., Woda B.A., Rock K.L., Xu Y., Savas L., et al. (2001) P504S a new molecular marker for the detection of prostate carcinoma. Am. J. Surg. Pathol. 25(11): 1397-1404.
  • Tips
    *Gentaur's antibodies are intended for in vitro research use only. They must not be used for clinical diagnostics and not for in vivo experiments in humans or animals. ** The preservative sodium azide is known to be poisonous and potentially hazardous to health. It should be handled only by trained staff. Despite of the product's low azide concentration it must be handled with care. Dispose according to regional rules!
  • Description
    This antibody needs to be stored at + 4°C in a fridge short term in a concentrated dilution. Freeze thaw will destroy a percentage in every cycle and should be avoided. Antibody for research use.
  • About
    Immunoglobulin gamma, IgG, mouse monoclonal H&L chain clones or rabbit, goat polyclonal antibodies have 4 parts. There are 2 heavy chains, 2 light chains. The IgG antibody has 2 antigen binding sites. They represent 70% or more of serum antibodies. This antibody can be antigen purified or protein A or G purified. For storage sodium azide is added or you can call us to request azide free antibody preparations. These will need colder storage temperatures. Monoclonals of this antigen are available in different clones. Each murine monoclonal anibody has his own affinity specific for the clone. Mouse monoclonal antibodies are purified protein A or G and can be conjugated to FITC for flow cytometry or FACS and can be of different isotypes. Rabbits are used for polyclonal antibody production by bio logo. Rabbit antibodies are very stable and can be stored for several days at room temperature. bio logo adds sodium azide and glycerol to enhance the stability of the rabbit polyclonal antibodies. Anti-human, anti mouse antibodies to highly immunogenic selected peptide sequences are" monoclonal like" since the epitope to which they are directed is less than 35 amino acids long.
  • Latin name
    Oryctolagus cuniculus
  • Gene target
    Monoclonal   AMACR   P504S   13H4   [13H4]  
  • Gene symbol
  • Short name
  • Technique
    Rabbit, anti-, anti, IgG, antibody to, antibodies, IgGs, Monoclonals or monoclonal antibodies
  • Host
    Rabbit, Rabbits
  • Isotype
    IgG, IgG
  • Alternative name
    AMACR (P504S) clone 13H4
  • Alternative technique
    rabbit-anti, antibodies, immunoglobulins
Gene info
Gene info
MeSH Data
  • Name
  • Concept
    Scope note: Identification of proteins or peptides that have been electrophoretically separated by blot transferring from the electrophoresis gel to strips of nitrocellulose paper, followed by labeling with antibody probes.
  • Tree numbers
    • E05.196.401.143
    • E05.301.300.096
    • E05.478.566.320.200
    • E05.601.262
    • E05.601.470.320.200
  • Qualifiers
    ethics, trends, veterinary, history, classification, economics, instrumentation, methods, standards, statistics & numerical data
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