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01010083610 StemTAG™ PCR Primer Set for Stem Cell Characterization Info Cellular biology labs CBA-303 1 test kit Ask Ask
01012512251 iPSC characterization Info 101biosystem S402 EB Ask Ask
01012613286 PPARγ Ligand Screening/Characterization Assay Kit (Fluorometric) Info Biovision K437-100 100 assays 972.24 Ask
01015690946 StemTAG PCR Primer Set for Stem Cell Characterization Info Cell Biolabs CBA-303 1 kit Ask Ask
01025278827 StemTAG PCR Primer Set for Stem Cell Characterization Info MyBioSource MBS168916 1 Kit 503.92 Ask
01025527879 PPARgamma Ligand Screening/Characterization Assay Kit (Fluorometric) Info MyBioSource MBS846748 100 Assays 1204.73 Ask
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