SKU Product name Supplier Catalog no. Size Price
01025328890 Hepatitis B virus Info MyBioSource MBS328014 0.1 mg 568.76 Ask
01025328891 Hepatitis B virus Info MyBioSource MBS328015 0.1 mg 568.76 Ask
01025328904 Herpes simplex virus, type 1 Info MyBioSource MBS328028 0.1 mg 624.20 Ask
01025328905 Herpes simplex virus, type 2 Info MyBioSource MBS328029 0.1 mg 624.20 Ask
02015328890 Hepatitis B virus[Hepatitis B virus] Info MyBioSource MBS328014 NA 5.54 Ask
02015328891 Hepatitis B virus[Hepatitis B virus] Info MyBioSource MBS328015 NA 5.54 Ask
02015328904 Herpes simplex virus, type 1[HSV-1] Info MyBioSource MBS328028 NA 5.54 Ask
02015328905 Herpes simplex virus, type 2[HSV-2] Info MyBioSource MBS328029 NA 5.54 Ask
02015331959 HBsAg Protein (Active)[HBsAg] Info MyBioSource MBS355570 NA 5.54 Ask
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