SKU Product name Supplier Catalog no. Size Price
01018828435 Lactoferrin Info MyBioSource MBS319961 0.1 mg 599.81 Ask
01018829376 Lactoferrin Antigen Info MyBioSource MBS569698 0.1 mg 556.57 Ask
02015327893 HUMAN OSTEOPONTIN[Osteopontin (OPN)] Info MyBioSource MBS319468 NA 5.54 Ask
02018828435 Lactoferrin Info MyBioSource MBS319961 5x0.1 mg 2419.18 Ask
02018829376 Lactoferrin Antigen Info MyBioSource MBS569698 5x0.1 mg 2247.33 Ask
03015525185 Lactalbumin, Human Milk[Lactalbumin] Info MyBioSource MBS844043 NA 5.54 Ask
03015525241 Lactoferrin, Human Milk[Lactoferrin] Info MyBioSource MBS844099 NA 5.54 Ask
03025384211 Cancer Antigen 15-3 (CA 15-3) MUC 1 Antigen Info MyBioSource MBS568844 10K Units 348.13 Ask
04025384211 Cancer Antigen 15-3 (CA 15-3) MUC 1 Antigen Info MyBioSource MBS568844 5x10K Units 1316.03 Ask
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