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SKU Product name Supplier Catalog no. Size Price
01025411186 Resistin-like Molecule, beta, Recombinant, Human (RELMb) Info MyBioSource MBS635961 0.005 mg 458.96 Ask
01025411754 Glucagon, Recombinant, Human Info MyBioSource MBS636604 0.1 mg 495.54 Ask
01025422640 Interleukin 8, Recombinant, Human, 72aa (IL-8) Info MyBioSource MBS650368 0.005 mg 458.96 Ask
02025411186 Resistin-like Molecule, beta, Recombinant, Human (RELMb) Info MyBioSource MBS635961 0.025 mg 636.34 Ask
02025411754 Glucagon, Recombinant, Human Info MyBioSource MBS636604 0.5 mg 678.46 Ask
02025422640 Interleukin 8, Recombinant, Human, 72aa (IL-8) Info MyBioSource MBS650368 0.025 mg 636.34 Ask
03015411754 Glucagon, Recombinant, Human[Glucagon] Info MyBioSource MBS636604 NA 5.54 Ask
03015422640 Interleukin 8, Recombinant, Human, 72aa (IL-8)[Interleukin 8, 72aa] Info MyBioSource MBS650368 NA 5.54 Ask
05025411186 Resistin-like Molecule, beta, Recombinant, Human (RELMb) Info MyBioSource MBS635961 5x0.025 mg 2601.88 Ask
05025411754 Glucagon, Recombinant, Human Info MyBioSource MBS636604 5x0.5 mg 2780.37 Ask
05025422640 Interleukin 8, Recombinant, Human, 72aa (IL-8) Info MyBioSource MBS650368 5x0.025 mg 2601.88 Ask
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