SKU Product name Supplier Catalog no. Size Price
01015745059 pFC-CMV-GFP-SV40-Neo Positive Control Donor Vector Info Systembio FC520A-1 10ug Ask Ask
01025279043 Hair Sample - THC Positive, Human Donor Info MyBioSource MBS170200 1 Sample Ask Ask
01025279068 Cystatin C Positive Urine, Human Single Donor Info MyBioSource MBS170229 50 mL Ask Ask
01025279090 Drug Positive Urine, Human Donor Info MyBioSource MBS170260 1 Sample Ask Ask
01025279238 Saliva - THC (Marijuana) Positive, Human Donor Info MyBioSource MBS170459 1 Sample Ask Ask
01025279722 Semen, Single Human Donor - Fresh, Never Frozen Info MyBioSource MBS173457 1 Sample Ask Ask
02015279043 Hair Sample - THC Positive, Human Donor[THC Positive Hair Sample] Info MyBioSource MBS170200 NA Ask Ask
03015279068 Cystatin C Positive Urine, Human Single Donor[Cystatin C Positive Urine] Info MyBioSource MBS170229 NA Ask Ask
03015279090 Drug Positive Urine, Human Donor[Drug Positive Urine] Info MyBioSource MBS170260 NA Ask Ask
03015279722 Semen, Single Human Donor - Fresh, Never Frozen[Semen] Info MyBioSource MBS173457 NA Ask Ask
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