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01011863931 anti-Ku-antibody ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650181 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863932 anti-liver cell membrane antibody(LMA) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650182 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863935 anti-lymphocytotoxic antibody(ALA/LCA) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650185 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863936 anti-macrophage antibody ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650186 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863937 anti-Mi2-antibody ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650187 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863939 Anti-Mitochondrial M2 Antibody (AMA-M2 Ab) ELISA KIT Info sincere E13650189 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863940 anti-Monocyte antibody(AMA) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650190 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863942 anti-myelin antibody IgA(AMA IgA)ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650193 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863943 anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin antibody(MCV) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650192 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863944 anti-myelin associated glycoprotein antibody(MAG Ab) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650194 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863945 anti-neuroblastoma-antibody(NB-Ab) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650195 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863947 anti-neutrophil antibody(ANA) ELISA kit Info sincere E13650197 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863948 anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody(cANCA) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650198 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863949 anti-neutrophil granules antibody(ANGA) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650199 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863950 anti-nuclear factor Antibody(ANF) ELISA KIT Info sincere E13650200 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863951 anti-nucleosome antibody IgG(AnuA-IgG) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650201 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863952 anti-OJ-antibody(OJ/IleRS) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650202 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863953 Anti-Ovary Antibody(AOAb) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650203 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863954 anti-parotid duct antibody ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650204 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863956 Anti-phosphatidyl serine antibody(APSA) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650206 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863957 anti-phospholipid antibody(Apl/APA) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650207 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863958 anti-PL12-antibody(PL12/AlaRS) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650208 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863959 anti-PL7-antibody ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650209 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863960 Anti-proteinase 3 antibody IgG(PR3 Ab-IgG) ELISA kit Info sincere E13650210 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863962 anti-Q fever antibody(anti-Q-Ab) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650212 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863963 anti-rabies virus antibody(anti-RV) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650213 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863964 anti-red cell antibody ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650214 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863965 anti-Reticulin antibody(ARA) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650215 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863966 anti-ribonucleo protein Antibody(RNP-Ab) ELISA kit Info sincere E13650216 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863967 anti-ribosomal P protein antibody(ARPA/Rib-P) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650217 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863968 anti-rubella virus IgG antibody(anti-RV IgG) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650218 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863969 anti-rubella virus IgM antibody(anti-RV IgM) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650219 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863970 anti-Sa-antibody ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650220 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863971 Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody(ASCA) ELISA kit Info sincere E13650221 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863973 Anti-Skin Antibody(ASA) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650223 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863975 Anti-Somatic Muscle Antibody(ASA) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650225 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863976 anti-sp100-antibody ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650226 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863977 anti-sperm antibody(AsAb) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650227 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863979 anti-teichoic acid antibody(TA) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650229 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863982 Anti-Thyroid Microsome Antibody(ATMA/TMAB) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650233 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863984 Anti-thyroid-globulin antibody(ATGA) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650234 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863985 anti-Thyroid-Peroxidase antibody(TPO-Ab) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650235 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863986 anti-trophoblast antibody(ATA) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650236 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863989 anti-typhus antibody ELISA KIT Info sincere E13650239 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011863990 anti-zona pellucida antibody(AZP) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650240 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011864056 Blocking antibody(BA)ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650307 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011864080 Brucella Antibody IgG(Brucella Ab IgG) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650331 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011864163 Chlamydia pneumoniae antibody(Cpn-Ab) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650414 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011864342 dengue fever antibody(DF) ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650593 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
01011864362 Diphtheria antibody(DT-Ab)ELISA Kit Info sincere E13650614 one plate of 96 wells per kit Ask Ask
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