SKU Product name Supplier Catalog no. Size Price
01012610776 Invitrocyte Coombs Control Reagent Info diagnostic africa 171900 bottle Ask Ask
01012610785 Invitroliq Bromelin Control Solution Reagent Info diagnostic africa 173210 bottle Ask Ask
01012610786 Invitroliq Control Solution Reagent Info diagnostic africa 173305 bottle Ask Ask
01012610787 Invitroliq Control Solution Reagent Info diagnostic africa 173310 bottle Ask Ask
01012610822 Invitroclone Rh-hr Control Reagent Info diagnostic africa 175905 bottle Ask Ask
01012610823 Invitroclone Rh-hr Control Reagent Info diagnostic africa 175910 bottle Ask Ask
01012610876 Malaria Total (P.f., P.v., P.m., P.o.) Immunochromatographic Info diagnostic africa 345 chromatochraphic test Ask Ask
01012610897 Negative control/diluent Slide, tube Info diagnostic africa 407 tubes Ask Ask
01012610954 Positive control Polyvalent Slide agglutination / Tube test Info diagnostic africa 5901 tube Ask Ask
01012610955 Negative control Polyvalent Slide agglutination / Tube test Info diagnostic africa 5902 tube Ask Ask
01012611019 Total Protein Info diagnostic africa alp02500 box Ask Ask
01012611024 Bilirubin total& Direct Info diagnostic africa aptt0603 box Ask Ask
01012611033 Bilirubin total Info diagnostic africa cacl20605 box Ask Ask
01012611047 Total Protein Info diagnostic africa crja02500 box Ask Ask
01012611058 Control Package Normal Info diagnostic africa cy006-c01 box Ask Ask
01012611059 Control Vial Normal Info diagnostic africa cy006-c01a box Ask Ask
01012611060 Control Package Low/Normal/High Info diagnostic africa cy006-c02 box Ask Ask
01012611061 Control Vials Low/Normal/High Info diagnostic africa cy006-c02a box Ask Ask
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