SKU Product name Supplier Catalog no. Size Price
01017101660 Maxwell RSC miRNA Tissue Kit Info Promega AS1460 48 preps Ask Ask
01017101661 Maxwell 16 miRNA Tissue Kit Info Promega AS1470 48 preps Ask Ask
01017101709 1.2kb Kanamycin Positive Control RNA (0.5mg/ml) Info Promega C1381 2X5 µg Ask Ask
01017101732 CheckMate Positive Control Vectors Info Promega C9370 1 set Ask Ask
01017101733 CheckMate Negative Control Vectors Info Promega C9380 1 set Ask Ask
01017101839 2800M Control DNA, 10ng/ul Info Promega DD7101 2X25 µl Ask Ask
01017101840 2800M Control DNA, 0.25ng/ul Info Promega DD7251 2X500 µl Ask Ask
01017101857 pSV-B-Gal Control Info Promega E1081 20 µg Ask Ask
01017101864 pmirGLO Dual Luciferase miRNA Target Expression Vector Info Promega E1330 20 µg Ask Ask
01017101871 pCBR-Control Vector Info Promega E1421 20 µg Ask Ask
01017101874 pCBG68-Control Vector Info Promega E1441 20 µg Ask Ask
01017101876 pCBG99-Control Vector Info Promega E1461 20 µg Ask Ask
01017101887 pGL2-Control DNA Info Promega E1611 20 µg Ask Ask
01017101896 pGL3-Control Vector Info Promega E1741 20 µg Ask Ask
01017101901 pCAT3 Control Vector Info Promega E1851 20 µg Ask Ask
01017101942 Gel Shift Assay Core System Info Promega E3050 100 réaction Ask Ask
01017101962 Gel Shift Assay System Info Promega E3300 100 réaction Ask Ask
01017101966 HeLaScribe Nuclear Extract Gel Shift Assay Grade Info Promega E3521 3×40 µl Ask Ask
01017101967 Gel Shift Binding 5X Buffer Info Promega E3581 5x200 µl Ask Ask
01017101968 HeLaScribe Nuclear Extract Positive Control DNA Info Promega E3621 2X300 ng Ask Ask
01017102231 HaloTag Control Vector Info Promega G6591 20 µg Ask Ask
01017102369 Anti-HaloTag Monoclonal Antibody Info Promega G9211 200 µg Ask Ask
01017102457 Control Ab, Anti-PD-1 Info Promega J1201 1 each Ask Ask
01017102471 Control Ab, Anti-TIGIT Info Promega J2051 100 µg Ask Ask
01017102529 Luciferase Control RNA Info Promega L4561 20 µg Ask Ask
01017102536 pGEM B-Gal Control DNA Info Promega L4731 20 µg Ask Ask
01017102537 Luciferase T7 Control DNA Info Promega L4821 20 µg Ask Ask
01017102538 Luciferase SP6 Control DNA Info Promega L4741 20 µg Ask Ask
01017102685 Converted Methylated Human Control Info Promega N1221 1 µg Ask Ask
01017102686 Methylated Human Control Info Promega N1231 5 µg Ask Ask
01017102712 NanoBRET Positive Control Info Promega N1581 2 × 20 µg Ask Ask
01017102715 NanoBRET PPI Control Pair (p53,MDM2) Info Promega N1641 2 × 20 µg Ask Ask
01017102736 NanoBiT PPI Control Pair (FKBP, FRB) Info Promega N2016 1 each Ask Ask
01017102777 HiBiT Control Protein Info Promega N3010 100 µl Ask Ask
01017102972 pGEM Express Positive Control Template, 2 x 5µg Info Promega P2561 2X10 µg Ask Ask
01017103637 Sequencing Grade Modified Trypsin, Frozen Info Promega V5113 2X100 µg Ask Ask
01017103854 6 x 5 LC-MS/MS Peptide Reference Mix (frozen liquid) Info Promega V7491 50 µl Ask Ask
01017103884 InCELLect St-Ht31P Control Peptide Info Promega V8221 150 µl Ask Ask
01017103895 IdeZ Protease, Frozen Info Promega V8342 2000 u Ask Ask
01017104106 ReliaPrep miRNA Cell and Tissue Miniprep System Info Promega Z6210 2X10 preps Ask Ask
01017104107 ReliaPrep miRNA Cell and Tissue Miniprep System Info Promega Z6211 50 preps Ask Ask
01017104108 ReliaPrep miRNA Cell and Tissue Miniprep System Info Promega Z6212 250 preps Ask Ask
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