SKU Product name Supplier Catalog no. Size Price
01025267511 Human Fibrinogen Antigen Capture Plate Info MyBioSource MBS135546 1 Plate 372.49 Ask
01025267518 Mouse Vitronectin Antigen Capture Plate Info MyBioSource MBS135553 1 Plate 372.49 Ask
01025267523 Mouse Fibrinogen Antigen Capture Plate Info MyBioSource MBS135558 1 Plate 372.49 Ask
02015426264 IgG, Rabbit (FITC)[IgG, Rabbit] Info MyBioSource MBS655014 NA 5.54 Ask
02025267511 Human Fibrinogen Antigen Capture Plate Info MyBioSource MBS135546 5 Plates 1083.10 Ask
02025267518 Mouse Vitronectin Antigen Capture Plate Info MyBioSource MBS135553 5 Plates 1083.10 Ask
02025267523 Mouse Fibrinogen Antigen Capture Plate Info MyBioSource MBS135558 5 Plates 1083.10 Ask
03015267511 Human Fibrinogen Antigen Capture Plate[Fibrinogen Antigen Capture Plate] Info MyBioSource MBS135546 NA 5.54 Ask
03015267518 Mouse Vitronectin Antigen Capture Plate[Vitronectin Antigen Capture Plate] Info MyBioSource MBS135553 NA 5.54 Ask
03015267523 Mouse Fibrinogen Antigen Capture Plate[Fibrinogen Antigen Capture Plate] Info MyBioSource MBS135558 NA 5.54 Ask
03025426264 IgG, Rabbit (FITC) Info MyBioSource MBS655014 5x1 mg 2584.15 Ask
04025267511 Human Fibrinogen Antigen Capture Plate Info MyBioSource MBS135546 5x5 Plates 4617.32 Ask
04025267518 Mouse Vitronectin Antigen Capture Plate Info MyBioSource MBS135553 5x5 Plates 4617.32 Ask
04025267523 Mouse Fibrinogen Antigen Capture Plate Info MyBioSource MBS135558 5x5 Plates 4617.32 Ask
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