SKU Product name Supplier Catalog no. Size Price
01012044046 Rabbit anti-native Green Fluorescent Protein (Prot A purified) Info nordc Bii-nGFPab3-100 0,1mL Ask Ask
01012044047 Rabbit anti-native Green Fluorescent Protein (Immunoaffinity purified) Info nordc Bii-nGFPab4-100 0,1mL Ask Ask
01012044048 Rabbit anti-native Green Fluorescent Protein (Immunoaffinity purified) Info nordc Bii-nGFPab4-25 25 μg Ask Ask
01012044051 Purified recombinant Green Fluorescent Protein (wild type) Info nordc Bii-rGFP-100 0,1mg Ask Ask
01012046502 TMB solution for ELISA Info nordc X1189L 1L Ask Ask
01012046503 TMB solution for ELISA Info nordc X1189S 100mL Ask Ask
01012046583 PIG3 (p53 inducible gene 3) - ELISA Kit Info nordc X1326K1 1Each Ask Ask
01012046584 PIG3 (p53 inducible gene 3) - ELISA Kit Info nordc X1326K2 2Each Ask Ask
01012046585 PIG3 (p53 inducible gene 3) - ELISA Kit Info nordc X1326K3 10Each Ask Ask
01012046848 phospho ERK1/2 ELISA Kit Info nordc X1839K 1PLate Ask Ask
01012046860 Human TNF alpha ELISA Kit Info nordc X1851K 1PLate Ask Ask
01012047132 Rabbit anti Seprase/Fibroblast Activation Protein Alpha (FAP) Info nordc X2199P 50 μg Ask Ask
01012047141 Rabbit anti Seprase/Fibroblast Activation Protein Alpha (FAP) Info nordc X2208P 50 μg Ask Ask
01012047220 N-SMase Activation Associated Factor - Blocking Peptide Info nordc X2289B 50 μg Ask Ask
01012047271 Rabbit anti N-SMase Activation Associated Factor Info nordc X2354P 10MinibLots Ask Ask
01012047272 Rabbit anti FAN antibody N-SMase Activation Associated Factor Info nordc X2355P 100 μg Ask Ask
01012047476 Interleukin-17 antibody Mouse ELISA Kit Info nordc X2748K 1Each Ask Ask
01012047477 Interleukin-17 antibody Human ELISA Kit Info nordc X2749K 1Each Ask Ask
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