SKU Product name Supplier Catalog no. Size Price
01018851147 ACTH Recombinant monoclonal antibody (r57) Info MyBioSource MBS566831 0.1 mg 721.32 Ask
01018851150 Cytokeratin 7 Recombinant monoclonal antibody (rOV-TL12/30) Info MyBioSource MBS566834 0.1 mg 721.32 Ask
01025361117 Anti-Human Serum Albumin Mouse mAb Info MyBioSource MBS477193 0.1 mL 591.80 Ask
02018851147 ACTH Recombinant monoclonal antibody (r57) Info MyBioSource MBS566831 5x0.1 mg 2972.39 Ask
02018851150 Cytokeratin 7 Recombinant monoclonal antibody (rOV-TL12/30) Info MyBioSource MBS566834 5x0.1 mg 2972.39 Ask
04025361117 Anti-Human Serum Albumin Mouse mAb Info MyBioSource MBS477193 5x0.1 mL 1899.34 Ask
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