SKU Product name Supplier Catalog no. Size Price
01018533947 Inorganic Pyrophosphatase/PPA1 Info NKMAX ATGA0433 50ul Ask Ask
01025362795 Anti-c-myc epitope tag [9E10] Info MyBioSource MBS488004 0.1 mg 785.41 Ask
01025362826 Anti-Fluorescein [4-4-20 (enhanced)] Info MyBioSource MBS488035 0.2 mg 626.56 Ask
01025362845 Anti-hapten 4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl acetyl (NP) [B1-8] Info MyBioSource MBS488054 0.2 mg 626.56 Ask
01025362887 Anti-Beta-galactosidase [13R4] Info MyBioSource MBS488096 0.2 mg 626.56 Ask
01025362904 Anti-V5 epitope tag [SV5-P-K] Info MyBioSource MBS488113 0.2 mg 626.56 Ask
01025362934 Anti-Unknown Specificity (Isotype control) [MOPC-21] Info MyBioSource MBS488143 0.2 mg 626.56 Ask
01025366112 Anti-Human HLA-DR, PE, (Clone YE2/36 HLK) (rat IgG2a) Info MyBioSource MBS520561 0.05 mg 394.91 Ask
03025430750 Monoclonal mouse anti-canine parvovirus (CPV) Info MyBioSource MBS660072 5 mg 2065.00 Ask
04025430750 Monoclonal mouse anti-canine parvovirus (CPV) Info MyBioSource MBS660072 10 mg 3753.85 Ask
05025362795 Anti-c-myc epitope tag [9E10] Info MyBioSource MBS488004 5x0.1 mg 3052.28 Ask
05025362826 Anti-Fluorescein [4-4-20 (enhanced)] Info MyBioSource MBS488035 5x0.2 mg 2351.81 Ask
05025362845 Anti-hapten 4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl acetyl (NP) [B1-8] Info MyBioSource MBS488054 5x0.2 mg 2351.81 Ask
05025362887 Anti-Beta-galactosidase [13R4] Info MyBioSource MBS488096 5x0.2 mg 2351.81 Ask
05025362904 Anti-V5 epitope tag [SV5-P-K] Info MyBioSource MBS488113 5x0.2 mg 2351.81 Ask
05025362934 Anti-Unknown Specificity (Isotype control) [MOPC-21] Info MyBioSource MBS488143 5x0.2 mg 2351.81 Ask
05025430750 Monoclonal mouse anti-canine parvovirus (CPV) Info MyBioSource MBS660072 15 mg 5301.50 Ask
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