SKU Product name Supplier Catalog no. Size Price
01025528076 Human CellExp LYVE-1; mouse recombinant Info MyBioSource MBS846945 0.01 mg 370.14 Ask
02025528076 Human CellExp LYVE-1; mouse recombinant Info MyBioSource MBS846945 0.025 mg 608.08 Ask
03015528076 Human CellExp LYVE-1; mouse recombinant[LYVE-1] Info MyBioSource MBS846945 NA 5.51 Ask
05025528076 Human CellExp LYVE-1; mouse recombinant Info MyBioSource MBS846945 5x0.025 mg 2481.90 Ask
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  • HEK 293 cells Source Mouse

  • Blocking

  • F(ab')2

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