SKU Product name Supplier Catalog no. Size Price
01025410114 Thrombomodulin, Rabbit (CD141, TM, Fetomodulin Info MyBioSource MBS634741 0.05 mg 960.72 Ask
02015326751 Horse anti HBsAg (ad/ay)[Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) (ad/ay)] Info MyBioSource MBS315002 NA 5.54 Ask
02015410114 Thrombomodulin, Rabbit (CD141, TM, Fetomodulin[Thrombomodulin, Rabbit] Info MyBioSource MBS634741 NA 5.54 Ask
02015423424 Cyclosporin D[Cyclosporin D] Info MyBioSource MBS651406 NA 5.54 Ask
03015389371 Ramelteon[Ramelteon] Info MyBioSource MBS577523 50 mg 5.54 Ask
03025326751 Horse anti HBsAg (ad/ay) Info MyBioSource MBS315002 5x1 mg 2600.71 Ask
04025410114 Thrombomodulin, Rabbit (CD141, TM, Fetomodulin Info MyBioSource MBS634741 5x0.05 mg 3892.76 Ask
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