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01018634073 Alpha-Internexin (NF66) Polyclonal Antibody Info Leading Biology APR11380G 100 μl Ask Ask
01018634076 Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) Polyclonal Antibody Info Leading Biology APG03335G 100 μl Ask Ask
01025327813 HBsAg (ayw) Recombinant Info MyBioSource MBS319182 0.5 mg 1266.56 Ask
02015327583 Parainfluenza Type 1 Ag (VP1)[Parainfluenza 1, Strain VP1] Info MyBioSource MBS318469 NA 5.54 Ask
02015327813 HBsAg (ayw) Recombinant[Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) (ayw) Recombinant] Info MyBioSource MBS319182 NA 5.54 Ask
03015386942 Pantoprazole Sodium Hydrate[Pantoprazole Sodium Hydrate] Info MyBioSource MBS575080 50 mg 5.54 Ask
03015387743 Cozymasei[Cozymasei] Info MyBioSource MBS575886 50 mg 5.54 Ask
03015387902 Sulfamethoxazole[Sulfamethoxazole] Info MyBioSource MBS576046 50 mg 5.54 Ask
04025327813 HBsAg (ayw) Recombinant Info MyBioSource MBS319182 5x0.5 mg 5441.88 Ask
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