Mouse ErbB2 Affinity Purified Polyclonal

  • Catalog number
  • Price
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  • Size
    0.05 mg
  • Products_type
  • Products_short_name
  • Products_name_syn
    [RAA25357 ; polyclonal; ERBB2]
  • Other_names
    [ERBB2; Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2; receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2; herstatin; p185erbB2; proto-oncogene Neu; c-erb B2/neu protein; proto-oncogene c-ErbB-2; metastatic lymph node gene 19 protein; neuro/glioblastoma derived oncogene homolog; tyrosine kinase-type cell surface receptor HER2; neuroblastoma/glioblastoma derived oncogene homolog; v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2, neuro/glioblastoma derived oncogene homolog; v-erb-b2 avian erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2; Metastatic lymph node gene 19 protein; MLN 19; Proto-oncogene Neu; Proto-oncogene c-ErbB-2; Tyrosine kinase-type cell surface receptor HER2; p185erbB2]
  • Products_gene_name
  • Other_gene_names
    [ERBB2; ERBB2; NEU; NGL; HER2; TKR1; CD340; HER-2; MLN 19; HER-2/neu; HER2; MLN19; NEU; NGL; MLN 19]
  • Clonality
  • Storage_stability
    This antibody can be stored in working aliquots at 2C - 8C for one month without detectable loss of activity. The antibody is stable for at least 1 year from date of receipt at -20C. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
  • Test
    A high affinity purification column was use to purify Mouse ErbB2 Polyclonal by MyBioSource by chromatographic size exclusion. Mouse or mice from the Mus musculus species are used for production of mouse monoclonal antibodies or mabs and as research model for humans in your lab. Mouse are mature after 40 days for females and 55 days for males. The female mice are pregnant only 20 days and can give birth to 10 litters of 6-8 mice a year. Transgenic, knock-out, congenic and inbread strains are known for C57BL/6, A/J, BALB/c, SCID while the CD-1 is outbred as strain.
  • Description
    1 of protein A or G purified by MyBioSource will give more specificity than crude serum.
  • Latin name
    Mus musculus
  • Group
    Polyclonals and antibodies
  • About
    Polyclonals can be used for Western blot, immunohistochemistry on frozen slices or parrafin fixed tissues. The advantage is that there are more epitopes available in a polyclonal antiserum to detect the proteins than in monoclonal sera.
  • Gene target
  • Gene symbol
  • Short name
    Mouse ErbB2 Polyclonal
  • Technique
    Polyclonal, affinity, purified, Mouse, mouses, Polyclonal antibodies (pAbs) are mostly rabbit or goat antibodies that are secreted by different B cells, whereas monoclonal antibodies come from a single N cell lineage. Pabs are a collection of immunoglobulin molecules that react against a specific antigen, each identifying a different epitope. purifications
  • Host
  • Isotype
    Rabbit IgG
  • Species
    Mouse, Mouses
  • Alternative name
    Mouse v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2, neuro/glioblastoma derived oncogene homolog (avian) protein enriched polyclonal
  • Alternative technique
    polyclonals, pure, murine
  • Alternative to gene target
    v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2, neuro/glioblastoma derived oncogene homolog (avian), CD340 and HER-2 and HER-2/neu and HER2 and MLN 19 and NEU and NGL and TKR1, ERBB2 and IDBG-46068 and ENSG00000141736 and 2064, transferase activity, nuclei, Erbb2 and IDBG-210591 and ENSMUSG00000062312 and 13866, ERBB2 and IDBG-639410 and ENSBTAG00000021798 and 505709
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