• Catalog number
  • Product name
    Park and Sanders Enrichment Broth Base
  • Size
  • Description
    Park and Sanders Enrichment Broth Base is used to enumeration thermotolerant Campylobacter species from foods.
  • Other Product
  • Alternative Name
    Enrichment Broth Base Park and Sanders
  • Type
    Dehydrated Culture Media
  • Origin
  • Classification
  • Composition g L
    Casein enzymic hydrolysate 10.000 Peptic digest of animal tissue 10.000 Yeast extract 2.000 Dextrose 1.000 Sodium chloride 5.000 Sodium biselenite 0.100 Sodium pyruvate 0.250 Final pH ( at 25°C) 7.0±0.2
  • Quantity required per litre
    28,35 g
  • Appearance
    Light yellow to beige homogeneous free flowing powder
  • Colour and Clarity of prepared medium
    Basal medium - Light yellow coloured clear solution. After addition of 5% w/v sterile defibrinated lysed horse blood -Cherry red coloured opalescent solution in tubes
  • Cultural response
    Cultural characteristics observed with added 5% defibrinated lysed horse blood along with FD104 and FD105, after an incubation at 42°C for 48 hours under microaerobic atmosphere.
  • Storage
    Store below 30°C in tightly closed container and the prepared medium at 2-8°C.
  • Shelf Life
    Use before expiry date on the label.
  • Technical Data
  • Data Sheet
  • Gene target
    Park Sanders Enrichment Broth Base
  • Short name
    Park Sanders Enrichment Broth Base