Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase

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  • Size
    10 Kµ
# #
  • Category
    Biological Reagents
  • Antibody Subtype
  • Area of research
    Proteases, Inhibitors, & Enzymes
  • Source
    Maize leaves
  • Form Buffer
    Provided in lyophilized form. Dissolves readily at 5mg/ml in 0.05M Tris/HCl buffer, pH 7.0, to give a clear solution.
  • Storage
    Store at -15 deg C or below
  • Shipping conditions
    Blue Ice
  • Bioactivity
    1 U/mg material, approx 7U/mg protein
  • Additional Information
    Unit Definition: That amount of enzyme causing the conversion of one micromole of CO2 per minute at 30 deg C and pH 8.0.
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