• Catalog number
  • Product name
  • Size
    2 x 500mg
  • Price
    Ask For Price
  • Product category
    Lipid PEG derivatives
  • Availability and ordering
    Please contact Gentaur for the latest availability and to request a quote. For larger or bulk quantity a discount may apply
  • Technical datasheet
    Please contact our technical support every day between 9 am to 6 pm local time to request the latest datasheet, certificate of analysis and MSDS
  • Other products
  • Alternative to gene target
    • [ "mal, T-cell differentiation protein", "MAL and IDBG-60885 and ENSG00000172005 and 4118", "structural constituent of myelin sheath", "Plasma membranes", "Mal and IDBG-205036 and ENSMUSG00000027375 and 17153" ]
  • Gene target
    DMPE-PEG-Mal 2K
  • Short name
    DMPE-PEG-Mal 2K