Mouse anti Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 §) antibody conjugated to FITC

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  • Size
    100 Tests
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  • Category
    Primary Antibodies
  • Long description
    Produced by activated macrophages, IL-1 stimulates thymocyte proliferation by inducing IL-2 release, B-cell maturation and proliferation, and fibroblast growth factor activity. IL-1 proteins are involved in the inflammatory response, being identified as endogenous pyrogens, and are reported to stimulate the release of prostaglandin and collagenase from synovial cells. The lack of a specific hydrophobic segment in the precursor sequence suggests that IL-1 is released by damaged cells or is secreted by a mechanism differing from that used for other secretory proteins.
  • Antibody come from
    Human recombinant interleukin 1 beta (hIL- 1§)
  • Other description
    Provided as sterile filtered solution in phosphate buffered saline with 0.08% sodium azide and 0.2% carrier protein. Protein A/G Chromatography
  • Clone
  • Antigen antibody binding interaction
    Mouse anti Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 §) antibody conjugated to FITC Antibody
  • Antibody is raised in
  • Antibody s reacts with
  • Antibody s reacts with these species
    This antibody doesn't cross react with other species
  • Antibody s specificity
    No Data Available
  • Application
    Flow Cytometry
  • Antibody s suited for
    Applications: Flow Cytometry: This antibody has been used at 10 µl per test (10^5-10^6 cells) to stain intracellular human IL-1§ expressed in Brefeldin A-treated monocytes and macrophages.
  • Storage
  • Relevant references
    no information yet
  • Protein number
    see ncbi
  • Warnings
    This product is intended FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY, and FOR TESTS IN VITRO, not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures involving humans or animals. This datasheet is as accurate as reasonably achievable, but Nordic-MUbio accepts no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions in this information.
  • Description
    This antibody needs to be stored at + 4°C in a fridge short term in a concentrated dilution. Freeze thaw will destroy a percentage in every cycle and should be avoided.
  • Properties
    If you buy Antibodies supplied by nordc they should be stored frozen at - 24°C for long term storage and for short term at + 5°C. This nordc Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) antibody is currently after some BD antibodies the most commonly used fluorescent dye for FACS. When excited at 488 nanometers, FITC has a green emission that's usually collected at 530 nanometers, the FL1 detector of a FACSCalibur or FACScan. FITC has a high quantum yield (efficiency of energy transfer from absorption to emission fluorescence) and approximately half of the absorbed photons are emitted as fluorescent light. For fluorescent microscopy applications, the 1 FITC is seldom used as it photo bleaches rather quickly though in flow cytometry applications, its photo bleaching effects are not observed due to a very brief interaction at the laser intercept. nordc FITC is highly sensitive to pH extremes.
  • Conjugation
    Anti-FITC Antibody
  • Gene
    The Interleukin-1 family (IL-1 family) is a group of 11 cytokines, which plays a central role in the regulation of immune and inflammatory responses to infections or sterile insults. Rec. E. coli interleukin-1 for cell culture or antibody production.
  • Test
    Mouse or mice from the Mus musculus species are used for production of mouse monoclonal antibodies or mabs and as research model for humans in your lab. Mouse are mature after 40 days for females and 55 days for males. The female mice are pregnant only 20 days and can give birth to 10 litters of 6-8 mice a year. Transgenic, knock-out, congenic and inbread strains are known for C57BL/6, A/J, BALB/c, SCID while the CD-1 is outbred as strain.
  • Latin name
    Mus musculus
  • French translation
  • Gene target
  • Gene symbol
    IL1A, IL1B, IL1F10, IL36B, IL36A, IL19, IL17F, IL36G, IL25, IL22
  • Short name
    Mouse anti Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 §) antibody conjugated FITC
  • Technique
    Antibody, Mouse, anti, FITC, antibody to, antibodies against human proteins, antibodies for, antibody Conjugates, Fluorescein, mouses
  • Host
  • Isotype
  • Label
  • Species
  • Alternative name
    Mouse antibody to Interleukin-1 b (Interleukin-1 §) (antibody to-) coupled to fluorecein
  • Alternative technique
    antibodies, murine, fluorescine
Gene info
Gene info
Gene info
Gene info
Gene info
Gene info
Gene info
Gene info
Gene info
Gene info
MeSH Data
  • Name
  • Concept
    Scope note: Identification of proteins or peptides that have been electrophoretically separated by blot transferring from the electrophoresis gel to strips of nitrocellulose paper, followed by labeling with antibody probes.
  • Tree numbers
    • E05.196.401.143
    • E05.301.300.096
    • E05.478.566.320.200
    • E05.601.262
    • E05.601.470.320.200
  • Qualifiers
    ethics, trends, veterinary, history, classification, economics, instrumentation, methods, standards, statistics & numerical data
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