SKU Product name Supplier Catalog no. Size Price
01010009304 Chlorobenzene extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 10124 2500 ml Ask Ask
01010009755 Potassium Bromide extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 25707 500 Gms Ask Ask
01010013207 L-Arabinose ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 52384 25 Gms Ask Ask
01010016187 Potassium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 31964 500 Gms Ask Ask
01010017774 Charcoal Activated (280) extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus Info Research sys 83438 5 Kg Ask Ask
01010018522 Butyl Acetate extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 30389 2500 ml Ask Ask
01010019697 1,4-Dioxane extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 95536 2500 ml Ask Ask
01010022077 Vanillin extrapurified AR, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 49456 500 Gms Ask Ask
01010024520 Benzyltrimethylammonium Chloride ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 60168 500 Gms Ask Ask
01010025013 Boric Acid extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 61871 500 Gms Ask Ask
01010027929 L-Lysine (free base) Anhydrous ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 15942 25 Gms Ask Ask
01010031542 Polyethylene Glycol 6000 ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 26029 500 Gms Ask Ask
01010031593 Plus Mix (2x) Info Research sys 23782 5 x1 ml Ask Ask
01010034359 Mercuric Chloride extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 29828 250 Gms Ask Ask
01010034456 Agar Powder ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 77981 500 Gms Ask Ask
01010038118 Sodium Metaperiodate extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent - (Sodium Periodate) Info Research sys 30037 500 Gms Ask Ask
01010038566 Tetrahydrofuran (THF) extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent (Stabilized) Info Research sys 83642 1000 ml Ask Ask
01010040774 FluroBronze 50bp Ladder Plus Info Research sys 39563 50 µg Ask Ask
01010041050 D-Mannose extrapurified AR, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 87875 100 Gms Ask Ask
01010044922 Crystal Violet Indicator ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 17610 500 Gms Ask Ask
01010046552 TMB PLUS Reagent Info genways GWB-Q00251 1 vial Ask Ask
01010047114 Ammonium Chloride extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 96452 500 Gms Ask Ask
01010047319 Phenol Crystalline extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 97745 500 Gms Ask Ask
01010050992 Glutathione Oxidized (GSSG) ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 41422 250 Mg Ask Ask
01010052519 Nickel (II) Nitrate Hexahydrate extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 33568 500 Gms Ask Ask
01010053531 Bromothymol Blue Indicator ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 72752 5 Gms Ask Ask
01010055209 Mercuric Oxide Red ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 60178 25 Gms Ask Ask
01010055245 Mercuric Acetate extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 80243 25 Gms Ask Ask
01010057846 ProxiO 50bp DNA Ladder Plus Info Research sys 88417 5 x50 µg Ask Ask
01010060310 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 78297 5 Kg Ask Ask
01010063882 Magnesium Sulphate Dried extrapurified AR, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 64187 500 Gms Ask Ask
01010064421 Phenylhydrazine Hydrochloride extrapurified AR, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 26892 500 Gms Ask Ask
01010064543 Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 70851 1 Kg Ask Ask
01010066264 Methyl Red Indicator ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 40431 100 Gms Ask Ask
01010066610 Sodium Bicarbonate extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 89399 500 Gms Ask Ask
01010067117 Caspase Colorimetric Substrate Set II Plus Info genways GWB-AXR104 1 vial Ask Ask
01010068281 Calconcarboxylic Acid extrapurified AR, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 66406 100 Gms Ask Ask
01010069808 L-Lysine Monohydrate (Base) ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 76199 100 Gms Ask Ask
01010071289 Caspase Fluorometric Substrate Set Plus 7 * 25 assays Info Ape K2146-7 * 25 7 * 25 assays Ask Ask
01010074732 Thiomersal ExiPlus reagent (Suitable for Vaccine & Diagnostic Production) Info Research sys 27662 100 Gms Ask Ask
01010075436 N-Bromosuccinimide extrapurified AR, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 51059 500 Gms Ask Ask
01010076107 Benzoic Acid extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 10105 5 Kg Ask Ask
01010080668 Potassium Dichromate extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 55353 2.5 Kg Ask Ask
01010084472 Tert-Butyl Alcohol extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 41609 500 ml Ask Ask
01010090409 Benzene extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 58857 2500 ml Ask Ask
01010090410 TAQ Plus DNA Polymerase (2.5U/µl) Info Research sys 85737 250 Units Ask Ask
01010090443 Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate Trihydrate extrapurified AR, ACS, ExiPlus reagent Info Research sys 22607 100 Gms Ask Ask
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