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01014364531 ELISA kit for anti-gastric parietal cell antibody,AGPA/PCA Info Icebergbiotech EH0168 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364534 ELISA kit for anti-gliadin antibody,AGA Info Icebergbiotech EH0170 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364538 ELISA kit for anti-glycoprotein antibody,GP Info Icebergbiotech EH0173 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364539 ELISA kit for anti-golgi apparatus antibody,AGAA Info Icebergbiotech EH0174 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364544 ELISA kit for anti-Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor antibody,GM-CSF Ab Info Icebergbiotech EH0175 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364546 ELISA kit for anti-hepatitis A virus IgG antibody,anti-HAV Info Icebergbiotech EH0176 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364550 ELISA kit for anti-hepatitis A virus IgM antibody,anti-HAV Info Icebergbiotech EH0178 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364551 ELISA kit for anti-hepatitis B virus core antibody,HBcAb Info Icebergbiotech EH0179 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364554 ELISA kit for anti-hepatitis B virus core IgM,HBc-IgM antibody Info Icebergbiotech EH0180 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364556 ELISA kit for anti-hepatitis B virus e antibody,HBeAb Info Icebergbiotech EH0181 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364558 ELISA kit for anti-hepatitis B virus surface antibody,HBsAb Info Icebergbiotech EH0182 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364562 ELISA kit for anti-hepatitis C virus antibody ,anti-HCV Info Icebergbiotech EH0184 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364564 ELISA kit for anti-hepatitis D virus antibody,anti-HDV Info Icebergbiotech EH0185 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364566 ELISA kit for anti-Histone antibody,AHA Info Icebergbiotech EH0186 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364567 ELISA kit for anti-IgA antibody Info Icebergbiotech EH0187 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364569 ELISA kit for anti-IgE receptor antibody Info Icebergbiotech EH0188 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364570 ELISA kit for anti-immunodeficiency virus antibody,HIV Info Icebergbiotech EH0189 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364575 ELISA kit for anti-IVIgG antibody Info Icebergbiotech EH0191 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364576 ELISA kit for Anti-keratin antibody,AKA Info Icebergbiotech EH0192 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364577 ELISA kit for anti-Ku-antibody Info Icebergbiotech EH0193 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364579 ELISA kit for anti-liver cell membrane antibody,LMA Info Icebergbiotech EH0194 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364584 ELISA kit for anti-lymphocytotoxic antibody,ALA/LCA Info Icebergbiotech EH0197 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364586 ELISA kit for anti-macrophage antibody Info Icebergbiotech EH0198 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364588 ELISA kit for anti-measles virus antibody Info Icebergbiotech EH0199 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364591 ELISA kit for anti-Mi2-antibody Info Icebergbiotech EH0200 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364592 ELISA kit for anti-Monocyte antibody,AMA Info Icebergbiotech EH0201 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364593 ELISA kit for antimous antibody,HAMA ELISA Info Icebergbiotech EH0202 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364596 ELISA kit for anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin antibody,MCV Info Icebergbiotech EH0204 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364598 ELISA kit for anti-myelin antibody IgA,AMA IgA Info Icebergbiotech EH0205 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364600 ELISA kit for anti-myelin associated glycoprotein antibody,MAG Ab Info Icebergbiotech EH0208 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364602 ELISA kit for Anti-myocardial antibody,AMA Info Icebergbiotech EH0209 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364604 ELISA kit for anti-neutrophil antibody,ANA Info Icebergbiotech EH0210 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364606 ELISA kit for anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody,cANCA Info Icebergbiotech EH0211 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364607 ELISA kit for anti-neutrophil granules antibody,ANGA Info Icebergbiotech EH0212 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364609 ELISA kit for anti-Nogo-A antibody,NOGO-A Ab Info Icebergbiotech EH0213 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364612 ELISA kit for Anti-nuclear Antibody,ANA Info Icebergbiotech EH0214 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364613 ELISA kit for anti-nucleolus antibody,ANA Info Icebergbiotech EH0215 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364616 ELISA kit for anti-nucleosome antibody IgG,AnuA-IgG Info Icebergbiotech EH0216 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364619 ELISA kit for Anti-Ovary Antibody,AOAb Info Icebergbiotech EH0218 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364620 ELISA kit for anti-parainfluenza virus IgM antibody, anti-PIV IgM Info Icebergbiotech EH0219 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364624 ELISA kit for anti-parotid duct antibody Info Icebergbiotech EH0220 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364628 ELISA kit for Anti-phosphatidyl serine antibody,APSA Info Icebergbiotech EH0224 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364630 ELISA kit for anti-phospholipid antibody,Apl/APA Info Icebergbiotech EH0225 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364632 ELISA kit for anti-PL12-antibody,PL12/AlaRS Info Icebergbiotech EH0226 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364633 ELISA kit for anti-PL7-antibody Info Icebergbiotech EH0227 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364637 ELISA kit for anti-Poliomyelitis Virus antibody Info Icebergbiotech EH0228 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364639 ELISA kit for anti-presynaptic membrane antibody,PsmAb Info Icebergbiotech EH0229 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364640 ELISA kit for Anti-proteinase 3 antibody IgG,PR3 Ab-IgG Info Icebergbiotech EH0230 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364647 ELISA kit for anti-Q fever antibody,anti-Q-Ab Info Icebergbiotech EH0234 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
01014364651 ELISA kit for anti-red cell antibody Info Icebergbiotech EH0235 1x96-well plate per kit 455.68 Ask
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