SKU Product name Supplier Catalog no. Size Price
02011979538 Glutathione-Agarose (Aff matrix) Info adi GSSH15-AS 1 ml Ask Ask
02011981145 Measles (Rubeola) Virus (Edmonston) proteins/antigen extract Info adi MESL15-N-500 500 ul Ask Ask
02011981330 Mumps virus (Enders) proteins/antigens extract Info adi MUMS15-N-500 0.5 ml Ask Ask
02011983550 Rinder Pest NP (RPR-NP) peptides (421-490aa) for ELISA Info adi RPR12-P 100 ug Ask Ask
02011983906 Mouse monoclonal Anti-S. mansoni IgG for IF/ELISA Info adi SMAN11-M 100 ul Ask Ask
02011986358 Purified Recombinant Thioredoxin 1 (TrxA, E. coli) for ELISA Info adi THRX15-R 100 ug Ask Ask
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