- Catalog numberGWB-AF69C9
- Product nameHDAC8 (Phospho-Ser39) antibody Blocking peptide sequence
- Size1 vial
- PriceAsk For Price
- Old catalog number06-785-213113
- Storage temperaturestore cold
- Expiry date1 y
- Categoryresearch antibodies, ELISAs, recombinant proteins, vectors and reagents for laboratory use
- Gene targetHDAC8 Phospho Ser39Blockingpeptide
- Identity:HGNC:13315
- Gene:HDAC8
- Long gene name:histone deacetylase 8
- Synonyms gene name:histone deacetylase-like 1, Wilson-Turner X-linked mental retardation syndrome
- Synonyms:RPD3, KDAC8
- Discovery year:2000-11-28
- Entrez gene record:55869
- Pubmed identification:10756090, 10922473, 22889856
- RefSeq identity:NM_018486
- Classification:Histone deacetylases, class I
- VEGA ID:OTTHUMG00000021814
- Gene symbolHDAC8
- Short nameHDAC8 (Phospho-Ser39) antibody Blocking peptide sequence
- technique filter
- blocking peptide
- Antibody
- Blocking
- peptide
- Techniqueblocking peptide, Antibody, Blocking, peptide, antibodies against human proteins, antibodies for, blocking peptides, genways made this blocking amino acid sequence or peptide to block the gene target in a volume of 1. For western blot it is often requested to block your antibody and to see the band of the analyzed protein disappear. This is called a negative control by blocking the WB antibody. peptides
- Alternative techniquecontrol, antibodies, peptides
Gene info
Locus Specific Databases:Global Variome shared LOVD