Storage conditions
Human Human IgG2 lambda G2m (n-), Proteins & Peptides oduct is shipped lyophilized at ambient temperature. After arrival store at +4ÁC. Prolonged storage may be at -20ÁC. The lyophilized content is reconstituted by adding 0.5 ml of sterile distilled water, mixed gently by inversion until complete dissolution is obtained. Allow to stand at ambient temperature for 5-10 minutes to reach equilibrium. Reconstituted solution may be stored frozen. Working dilutions may be prepared by adding the required amount of phosphate buffered saline (PBS), should not be refrozen and preferably used within 24 hours. Repeated thawing and freezing should be avoided. If a slight precipitation occurs upon storage, this should be removed by centrifugation and will not affect the performance of the product. Lyophilized at +4ÁC--at least 10 years. Reconstituted at or below -20ÁC--3-5 years. Reconstituted at +4ÁC--7 days.