• Catalog number
  • Product name
    Taq PCR Master Mix (2x)
  • Size
    4X100 reactions
  • Short description
    Ready-to-use solution containing Taq DNA Polymerase, optimized reaction buffer, MgCl2 and dNTPs.
  • Gene target
    Taq Master 2x
  • Short name
    Taq PCR Master (2x)
  • technique filter
    • PCR
  • Technique
    PCR, The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplifies the DNA in your sample. For real time PCR the cycle threshold Ct values willneed to be set before the experiment. Than the RT-PCR starts from RNA and real time PCR quantitates the cDNA so the RNA in the sample on given time of the experiment. Thermus Aquaticus or TAQ polymerase is a very robust enzyme that lacks endomuclease proof-reading. EURX TAQ has a far higher yield that other polymerases. TAQ is perfect for verificative PCR in an agarose gel. The bands in which positive primers and a negative control are included need to be compared to a DNA 100 bp molecular weight ladder. For proofreading mixes with pfu are required. It is supplied in 1
  • Alternative technique