- Catalog numberA57527-100
- Product namePigeon Serum Albumin Antibody
- Size0.1mg
- PriceAsk For Price
- Product categoryAntibodies
- ConjugationHRP Conjugated
- ClonalityPolyclonal antibody
- Target antigenPigeon Serum Albumin
- Short nameAnti-Pigeon Serum Albumin
- Long namePigeon Serum Albumin Polyclonal Antibody, HRP Conjugated
- StorageFor short term storage keep the Pigeon Serum Albumin AntibodyFor long term storage keep frozen at -20 deg.C.
- TipsFor storage over extended periods of time we recommend you to prepare aliquotes of the Pigeon Serum Albumin Antibody and freeze the. Afterwards thaw only the vial(s) you intend to use. This way you will avoid the freeze-thaw cycles. Due to shipping and handling issues small amounts of the antibodies may get trapped on the lid and walls of the tube. Prior to use briefly centrifuge the vials to ensure that all of the content is on the bottom.
- Gene targetAlbumin
- Identity:HGNC:399
- Gene:ALB
- Long gene name:albumin
- Discovery year:1986-01-01
- Entrez gene record:213
- Pubmed identification:6292049, 6192711
- RefSeq identity:NM_000477
- VEGA ID:OTTHUMG00000129919
- Identity:HGNC:2697
- Gene:DBP
- Long gene name:D-box binding PAR bZIP transcription factor
- Synonyms gene name:D site of albumin promoter (albumin D-box) binding protein
- Synonyms:DABP
- Discovery year:1991-11-27
- Entrez gene record:1628
- Pubmed identification:1535333, 7835883
- RefSeq identity:NM_001352
- Classification:PAR bZIP family
- VEGA ID:OTTHUMG00000183319
- Identity:HGNC:11621
- Gene:HNF1A
- Long gene name:HNF1 homeobox A
- Synonyms gene name:transcription factor 1, hepatic; LF-B1, hepatic nuclear factor (HNF1), albumin proximal factor
- Synonyms:HNF1LFB1HNF1α
- Discovery year:1990-02-12
- Entrez gene record:6927
- Pubmed identification:1535333, 7795649
- RefSeq identity:NM_000545
- Classification:HNF class homeoboxes
- VEGA ID:OTTHUMG00000151015
- Gene symbolALB, DBP, HNF1A
- technique filter
- Antibody
- serum
- TechniqueAntibody, serum, antibodies against human proteins, antibodies for
- Alternative techniqueantibodies, sera
- Tissueserum
- tissue filter
- serum
Gene info
Locus Specific Databases:Albumin mutation database
Gene info
Gene info
Locus Specific Databases:Global Variome shared LOVDLRG_522