- Catalog numberMBS1293024
- Product nameRecombinant Pelagibacter ubique 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase (panB)
- Size0,05 mg (E-Coli)
- PriceAsk For Price
- Other sizeplease contact us to order other different size
- Gene targetPelagibacter ubique 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase panB
- Identity:HGNC:31639
- Gene:MIR7-2
- Long gene name:microRNA 7-2
- Synonyms:hsa-mir-7-2
- Discovery year:2004-04-23
- Entrez gene record:407044
- RefSeq identity:NR_029606
- Classification:MicroRNA MIR7 family
- Identity:HGNC:32051
- Gene:MIR329-2
- Long gene name:microRNA 329-2
- Synonyms:hsa-mir-329-2
- Discovery year:2005-07-11
- Entrez gene record:574409
- RefSeq identity:NR_029968
- Classification:MicroRNA MIR329 family
- Identity:HGNC:32091
- Gene:MIR512-2
- Long gene name:microRNA 512-2
- Synonyms:hsa-mir-512-2
- Discovery year:2005-07-15
- Entrez gene record:574459
- RefSeq identity:NR_030181
- Classification:MicroRNA MIR506 family
- Identity:HGNC:32113
- Gene:MIR521-2
- Long gene name:microRNA 521-2
- Synonyms:hsa-mir-521-2
- Discovery year:2005-07-15
- Entrez gene record:574481
- RefSeq identity:NR_030203
- Classification:MicroRNA MIR515 family
- Identity:HGNC:35282
- Gene:MIR1289-2
- Long gene name:microRNA 1289-2
- Synonyms:hsa-mir-1289-2
- Discovery year:2008-11-03
- Entrez gene record:100302134
- RefSeq identity:NR_031621
- Classification:MicroRNA MIR1289 family
- Identity:HGNC:33641
- Gene:MIR509-2
- Long gene name:microRNA 509-2
- Synonyms:hsa-mir-509-2
- Discovery year:2007-10-24
- Entrez gene record:100126301
- RefSeq identity:NR_030586
- Classification:MicroRNA MIR506 family
- Identity:HGNC:18923
- Gene:KRTAP13-2
- Long gene name:keratin associated protein 13-2
- Synonyms:KAP13-2
- Discovery year:2003-02-21
- Entrez gene record:337959
- Pubmed identification:12359730
- Classification:Keratin associated proteins
- VEGA ID:OTTHUMG00000057793
- Identity:HGNC:33068
- Gene:SNORD116-2
- Long gene name:small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-2
- Synonyms:HBII-85-2
- Discovery year:2007-02-15
- Entrez gene record:100033414
- Pubmed identification:11106375, 11726556
- RefSeq identity:NR_003317
- Classification:Small nucleolar RNAs, C/D box
- Identity:HGNC:32990
- Gene:SNORD114-2
- Long gene name:small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 114-2
- Synonyms:14q(II-2)
- Discovery year:2006-09-26
- Entrez gene record:767578
- Pubmed identification:12045206
- RefSeq identity:NR_003194.1
- Classification:Small nucleolar RNAs, C/D box
- Gene symbolMIR7-2, MIR329-2, MIR512-2, MIR521-2, MIR1289-2, MIR509-2, KRTAP13-2, RNU6-2, SNORD116-2, SNORD114-2
- Short nameRecombinant Pelagibacter ubique 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase (panB)
- technique filter
- Recombinant
- TechniqueRecombinant, E. coli recombinant proteins are genetic recombinations in Escherichia coli, supplied as white sterile powder lyopillized. MyBioSource advises they will be reconstituted in a buffer soluion or culture medium for cell culture.
- Alternative techniquerec