Proteinase K ex. Pichia Pastoris (Type D - Recombinant) for molecular biology & PCR
Catalog number32753
Size500 mg
Reagent propertiesIntermediates and solvents for biotechnological research
Chemical CAS Nr39450-01-6
GroupPCR, polymerase chain reaction, recombinants
AboutTAQ or Pfu or Pfx or other enzymes are used for polycmerase chain reaction and have different specificity. The mores specific the lower the yield.
PropertiesThermocyclers can be callibrated for identical ramping curves to obtain a more accurate PCR.
GeneProteinase K s a broad-spectrum serine protease. The enzyme was discovered in 1974 in extracts of the fungus Engyodontium album (formerly Tritirachium album).Proteinase K is able to digest hair (keratin), hence, the name "Proteinase K". The predominant site of cleavage is the peptide bond adjacent to the carboxyl group of aliphatic and aromatic amino acids with blocked alpha amino groups. It is commonly used for its broad specificity. This enzyme belongs to Peptidase family S8. The molecular weight of Proteinase K is 28,900 Daltons (28.9 kDa).
SourceRecombinants or rec. proteins
Gene target
Short nameProteinase K ex. Pichia Pastoris ( D - Recombinant) for molecular biology & PCR
TechniqueRecombinant, PCR, The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplifies the DNA in your sample. For real time PCR the cycle threshold Ct values willneed to be set before the experiment. Than the RT-PCR starts from RNA and real time PCR quantitates the cDNA so the RNA in the sample on given time of the experiment. E. coli recombinant proteins are genetic recombinations in Escherichia coli, supplied as white sterile powder lyopillized. Research sys advises they will be reconstituted in a buffer soluion or culture medium for cell culture.
Alternative nameProteinase K ex. Pichia Pastoris (classification D - Rec.) to measure molecular biology & PCR test kit
Alternative techniquerec, dna-amplification
MeSH Data
ConceptScope note: The initial culturing of cells derived directly from fresh TISSUES.
Tree numbers
- E01.370.225.500.223.500
- E05.200.500.265.500
- E05.242.223.500
- E05.481.500.249.500
Qualifiersethics, trends, veterinary, history, classification, economics, instrumentation, methods, standards, statistics & numerical data